Выпущена очередная стабильная версия Flexberry ORM 4.1.0

Все коммиты теперь сопровождаются сборкой на Travis-CI под mono (без интеграционных, но с выполнением автономных модульных тестов).
С целью синхронизации версий NuGet-пакетов ORM и ODataService была поднята версия пакета ODataService до 4.1.0. В дальнейшем они будут выпускаться синхронно, чтобы избежать путаницы, поскольку между ними есть прямая зависимость.

Изменения в ORM 4.1.0


  1. Add support Microsoft.Spatial.Geography for Net Framework 4.5.
  2. Add support string conversion to Microsoft.Spatial.Geography in Information.
  3. Add PostgresDataService method for comparing types.
  4. Add support Nullable<DateTime> and NullableDateTime for DateTime properties (Day, Month, Year, etc.).
  5. Add property for set connection string by name in DataService. Need confugure IConfigResolver in Unity config section
  6. Add ICSSoft.STORMNET.TuneStaticViewDelegate for tune static Views.


  1. Fix LINQ to LCS when sorting with types convert.
  2. Fix error when use unsigned types in LINQ expression.
  3. Fix using UnityFactory.CreateContainer method instead of UnityFactory.GetContainer. It should increase performance.
  4. Fix update error Geography type.
  5. Fix converting LINQ expressions with sorting to custom nullable types.
  6. Fix sql query sequence for delete hasMany data objects with cyclic associations.


  1. Remove implicit dependency from ICSSoft.STORMNET.RightManager. Now implementation of ISecurityManager specified via Unity is used instead.
  2. Optimized requests to Postgres if LCS has a populated RowNumber property.

Изменения в ODataService 4.1.0


  1. Add support user function geo.intersects.
  2. Add support LoadingCustomizationStruct in user functions.
  3. Add support actions.
  4. Add handler, called after exception appears.
  5. In user functions and actions add possibility to return collections of primitive types and enums. In actions add possibility to use primitive types and enums as parameters.


  1. Fix reading properties of files.
  2. Fix error which occured in Mono in method DefaultODataPathHandler.Parse(IEdmModel model, string serviceRoot, string odataPath).
  3. Fix errors in work of user functions.
  4. Fix error in association object enumeration filtration.


  1. Update dependencies.
  2. Update ODataService package version to according ORM package version.
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